What we are

The Chelsea Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization whose principal purpose is to promote sport, culture and leisure, as well as foster a sense of community in the municipality of Chelsea.

In the mid 1990s, Chelsea citizens got together to create the Chelsea Foundation. Its goal was to accumulate funds to buy land and finance the construction of a community centre, which would serve the needs of the population. Today, the Foundation manages the Meredith Centre with the accord of the municipality. The professionals that operate the centre work for the board of the Foundation. The surrounding land includes three soccer fields and a pump track.

As the Foundation continues to evolve, its focus is turning to partnering and collaborating with Chelsea organizations to raise funds to promote sport, culture and leisure in the community.

  • Vision

    A healthy, inclusive & thriving Chelsea Community.

  • Mission

    To sustainably operate community hubs and support community initiatives delivering sports, recreation, arts, and culture programs in both official languages.

  • Values

    • Community

    • Inclusivity

    • Sustainability

    • Wellness

    • Accessibility

    • Compassion

  • Strategic Pillars

    • Chelsea Foundation operations

    • Fundraising

    • Partnerships

    • Community Engagement