Chelsea Foundation Annual General Meeting 2024


May 28, 2024 – 7:00pm, Meredith Centre

You are cordially invited to the Chelsea Foundation AGM for 2024. The foundation is a non-profit charitable organization whose principal purpose is to promote sporting, recreational and socio-cultural activities in the municipality of Chelsea. One way to promote these activities is through the operation and management of the Meredith Centre and associated lands.

Ray Zahab will be the presenter at our third annual Dream Big presentation. You will also hear about the projects of the foundation and what is happening at the Meredith Centre. Snacks and refreshments will be served..

Ray Zahab is a Canadian Explorer, ultra distance runner and Founder of non-profit impossible2Possible. A recent recipient of the Meritorious Service Cross of Canada, Ray is an Explorer in Residence of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, and Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. In 2015 Canadian Geographic recognized Ray as one of Canada’s Top Explorers. He has ran 17,000+km across the world’s deserts, and unsupported expeditions in some of the coldest places on the planet.

If you plan on attending the AGM, Please RSVP by sending an email to by May 24th.

Important Documents

Become a member of our board of directors

Applications to become a member of the board of the Chelsea Foundation in 2024 are closed. The closing date was May 17th. A nominations committee is reviewing all nominations and recommending a slate of candidates to the AGM for its approval.  Nominations may not come from the floor at the AGM.

The slates of candidates being recommended at the AGM for approval are: Jamie Collins, Lucie Labelle, Sylvie Menang, Gilles Montsion, Rick Traer and Louis Verret.

The Chelsea Foundation Board champions the importance of a healthy, inclusive and thriving Chelsea community and is committed to working as a team with the Municipality of Chelsea.

The Chelsea Foundation is committed to establishing a culturally diverse board of directors and strongly encourages applications from women, visible minorities, aboriginals and persons with disabilities.

Alana Hennessy

Alana Hennessy { Freelance Graphic & Web Designer }

Chelsea Foundation is named a recipient of the Ottawa Dragon Boat Foundation Pledge Challenge


Nominations Open for Chelsea Wall of Fame (WOF) 2024