Chelsea Foundation Lands - Agreement Reached

In 1998 a group of Chelsea residents saw the need to have dedicated community space in Chelsea and set out to form the Chelsea Foundation to make this dream a reality. 

A volunteer-driven, door to door fundraising campaign was conducted to raise the money to acquire land. These collective resident actions started a process to realize the vision of community space and land - the hub for recreation activities in Chelsea. Within a short period of time over $150,000 was raised through the generosity of donors. A few years later the Meredith lands where the soccer fields and the Centre Meredith are located were acquired, in part due to a generous donation from the Meredith Family who believed in the vision of the founders of the Fondation Chelsea.

Mrs. Elizabeth Meredith wanted to see the lands remain as a community recreation space in perpetuity that families would enjoy for generations. The Fondation Chelsea is entrusted to maintain and grow the original vision for these lands and the legacy the Meredith family has left to the community.

Timelines & events

The creation of the Chelsea Foundation


April 2024

CSSPO, Chelsea Municipality, and Chelsea Foundation Reach Compromise on School Location

Alana Hennessy

Alana Hennessy { Freelance Graphic & Web Designer }

Nominations Open for Chelsea Wall of Fame (WOF) 2024