A healthy, inclusive & thriving Chelsea Community.
Recent News & Updates
Dream it.
The Chelsea Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization whose principal purpose is to promote sport, culture and leisure, as well as foster a sense of community in the municipality of Chelsea.
Chelsea Wall of Fame
Vision: To honour, preserve and celebrate Chelseaβs sport and community building excellence.
Mission: To celebrate our community and its uniqueness both in terms of exceptional individual achievements in sports and the strength and quality of the voluntary sector that sustain and shape our community.
Join us at our second annual ceremony taking place on Saturday, October 26, 2024 at the Meredith Center.
Thank you for all the 2023 nominations, 2024 nominations are now open until June 30th.
Chelsea Foundation Cultural Fund
In line with our vision, mission and strategic pillars of Fundraising and Partnerships & Community Engagement, the Chelsea Foundation (CF) is created a cultural fund which will be used to grant funds to community organizations, groups or individuals to perform charitable work in the community of Chelsea.
In August 2023, the CF signed a grant agreement with La Fab sur Mill (LFSM) for the purpose of supporting cultural activities in the community of Chelsea.